Sunday, 10 March 2013

Another Beautiful Day in El Centro - GOLF Anyone

Golf Anyone!

Yes, it's about 75 degree's here already and beautiful.  We've all just returned from breakfast out and had time to catch up with each other.  A continual stream of events is always planned.  Albeit you are not obliged to attend, they can be, and are filled with lots of laughter and just plan old fashioned good times.  Vacation Life and/or Retired Life does bring a new mind set as to how you will or will not greet each day.You decide what and when you do or don't want to participate, in anything.  That's the true fun of it all.  You can be as busy or as lazy as you want.

Now GOLF on the other hand is another story completely. With the executive 9 hole course there, you see  all types of golfers.  The beginners (that's me), the couples (that's us), and the impatient (that's me), and of course there are always those wonderful regular, weekly, daily, and some times more than twice per day golfers (not me or us), that enjoy this game often. I classify  "OFTEN" of the more than once per day, 7 days per week type of golfers. They are what I deem as the serious golfers, actually truth be told they just love the game.

I got excited about taking this game up (not sure why, as I have been enjoying being a lazy bum for the last month).  I have set everything aside to just relax and enjoy the beautiful sunshine of El Centro.

The game is scheduled and some new friends (Gary and Marie) join us to be a foursome.  I was lots of fun, none of my balls went for a swim in the water and I managed to be able to get in some decent shots.  Putting is another issue, and I definitely need practice   No none kept score.  Okay, no score were on paper, but I think I did not do too bad for my first time in about 20 years.

I look forward to trying it again.  In fact we have a tee off time of 11:15 am today, and I best get going and get organized.

I purchased a cart to put a golf bag on for 6 bucks yesterday at the yard sale event held in the RV park yesterday, and I also got a bag of mixed balls for a buck.  I'm feeling ready to go to the next game...okay ...well almost just need to get my own clubs and more practice time in.

I'll keep you all posted on how the golf turns out today.

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